How to come up with a reliable password
Here are some tips on how to create a secure password:
- Come up with a unique password.
Different accounts must have different passwords. So even if one account is hacked, others will not be at risk.
- Come up with a long password.
The longer the password, the more reliable it is. For a LexFidelis account, the password must be at least 8 characters.
- Use lowercase and capital letters, numbers, and characters.
The more different characters in the password, the harder it is to crack.
- Do not use words and expressions, combinations on a keyboard such as "qwerty" or "12345," personal information.
Such passwords are the easiest to hack.
- Keep passwords protected.
To keep passwords from different sites in mind, use special password storage applications. For example, 1Password, LastPass, Bitwarden and so on.